Thursday, September 7, 2017

Week #2- The Technological Revolution

First views:

I grew up with the start of technology and I have seen so many changes in the technology available.  Thinking about it now, my first computer was shared with the whole family with internet that would take what seemed like hours.  Now, everyone has multiple pieces of technology running at the same time such as; smartphones, laptops, gaming systems, and even watches.  Now, there is even cars that can drive themselves.  Technology is growing, but to where is still big question.

Although all of the technology we have is made to make things easier, I never realized where technology is going.  From an article from linked below, it states that “By 2032, half the trucks would not have human drivers.”  This article really got me thinking about what the future holds and how we will be effected by AI.  My father is a truck driver, and the thought that he will be jobless in the future is a scary.  I know that technology can be very helpful, but now I have to begin to start thinking about my personal career and if it will be affected by this innovation. 

Personal Changes:

For me, I believe that technology will be helpful to me.  With my studies being in Business Entrepreneurship, I feel that I can use technology to my advantage.  Currently, I am a Junior in my undergrad, but the time to find a career is in full force.  I believe that I do not change my life plan in order to make way for AI, but instead keep my mind open for business opportunities within technology.  With this, I believe that my next step is to start learning the technology market and to also work in some time for coding.  I feel that the more knowledge I have on applications and websites will only increase my chances for success as an entrepreneur. 

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This semester has been an interesting one.  With many changes, I involved myself in many opportunities that have influenced my future. ...