Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Week #3- Surfing the Tsunami, Balt 318

The first thought that comes into peoples head when they hear AI, is the physical robots. 

Now, while some still believe that these robots are going to one day take over the world and that the movie "The Terminator" is what our future will look like.  I'm not saying that one day we will not have the technology from the film, but feel that instead the fear from a movie could hold us back from the future possibilities of technology.  

Not saying that a movie should ever hold us back from doing something, but I feel that futuristic movies have put negative thoughts about technology into peoples minds.

To begin, artificial intelligence is not just simply robots that do things.  There are many versions of hardware and software that contributes to the successes that we have already achieved.  I believe that we are still in the early stages of these new advances and that we need to be open to the opportunities.

Some of the improvements include;

The Boston Dynamics- The robot squad

FEDOR- The gun shooting robot

and Sophia- the citizen robot

Thats right, Sophia the robot is actually a citizen of Saudi Arabia as of October 2017.

As I said before, I feel that this is still the beginning of AI, and I can't wait to see all of the changes in hardware and software.

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This semester has been an interesting one.  With many changes, I involved myself in many opportunities that have influenced my future. ...