Thursday, September 28, 2017

Week 5- Advertisement Billions

How much money do you think a company makes from advertising?  This question may be hard to answer until we know what kind of company is being observed.  To get some perspectives, lets look at the digital advertising leaders.

Facebook brought in $9.3 billion in one quarter, with the growth of 45 percent from a year prior.  Google had 21 percent increase in earnings with report of $26 billion in total revenue.  Now, going back to my question, these companies had a large majority of their total revenue come from advertising.  Google had a total of 87% of total revenue and Facebook, with almost all of it, had 98%.

I have been learning more about these ads from the customer stand point with learning how to make these ads and when to use them.  The amount of people that are getting this exposure through ads is increasing, and so is the wealth of top companies such as Facebook and Google.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Week 5- MKTG 347 LinkedIn Profile WCIYP

Today I took a look at my LinkedIn Profile.  After some reviewing, I realized that my profile did not completely describe who I am and all of the things that I can do.

So what did I do?  I got to work.

This was a reality check in some sort of way.  I am now a junior in college and the real world is not to far away.  I have already made some changes in my profile in order to make it more personal.  My next step is to add more descriptive writing on my goals, and also posting more to linkedIn in order to personally network myself.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Week #4- Learning Facebook

I have had Facebook for many years now, but I have never gone into detail to learn more about it.  After reading Chapter three of Introduction Of Social Media Marketing, (Kelsey) I realized the marketing that a small business can get from creating a simple page for free can help so much.

As a Business Entrepreneurship major, I feel that extending my knowledge on Facebook from the business side of it will help me in the future.  Currently, I am working on starting up my own business.  As I do more research, I realize that there is a lot more to a great idea for a business.  I am excited to continue to learn more about the marketing side of business because it seems to be a weak point of mine.  

Week #4- WCIYP New Resume

Technology is one of the most talked about subjects from my blog.  This is because technology causes change everywhere.  This week I read Chapter two of What Color Is Your Parachute, which talked about how the internet is the new paper resume.  Author, Richard N. Bolles, explains how whatever we put on the internet can be either helpful or hurtful to our future job searching process.

Reading the "Edit" section on page 23, we can see that many people make the mistake of posting something that employers would not condone.  There is a way to go back and edit your social media to eliminate posts that may not show your best features, but sometimes it can be tricky to remove an item.

This got me thinking, is there a way to clean out your social media all from one platform?  After some research, I actually found a website that will help you with your online brand name by cleaning most social media platforms.  

I believe that even if you think your social media name is clean, I suggest you take a look.  If it comes down to putting in a hour to clean your media or possibly losing a dream job because of a post to Facebook, the choice is yours.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Week #3- Getting Social

At the end of my third week of blogging, I have learned that getting social with my blogs will be the best way to increase my blogs awareness.

I began the week hitting some of the key social media apps that I was already using such as Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.  This was key for me because I was able to inform a mass amount of people including people that I did and did not know about my blog.

Now that I have reached out to my followers from multiple social media sites, I feel that my next step is to continue to keep those followers updated on my blogs.  I know that the more I learn on the marketing of social media, the better my skills in the subject will be.  Skills like social media marketing are very important to the future of the business world and I open to learn all about it.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Week #3- WCIYP Job Hunters

Today, I read the first chapter of What Color Is Your Parachute by Richard N. Bolles.  The book surprised me on how interesting and helpful it could be to my life.  The first chapter talked about the New World for Job-Hunters.  Bolles explains how finding a job is very different from what it was like in the past.  We as job hunters need to change our job search approach in order to go from a hunter to a hire!

Throughout the reading, my mind began to run with my past experiences of job searching and experiences.  I have been in and out of many jobs and going through many interview processes.  I feel that most of the tips to becoming a successful job hunter were already enforced in my job searching process.  This could from my experiences or that I simply missed the previous way to job hunting.

Bolles mentions that job hunting has mostly moved to online since the year 2008, after the great recession.  I am fortunate enough to have grown up with lots of technology advances.  Technology has always had my interest and a skill of mine, but there is a lot of room for improvements in my knowledge of technology.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Week #2- The Technological Revolution

First views:

I grew up with the start of technology and I have seen so many changes in the technology available.  Thinking about it now, my first computer was shared with the whole family with internet that would take what seemed like hours.  Now, everyone has multiple pieces of technology running at the same time such as; smartphones, laptops, gaming systems, and even watches.  Now, there is even cars that can drive themselves.  Technology is growing, but to where is still big question.

Although all of the technology we have is made to make things easier, I never realized where technology is going.  From an article from linked below, it states that “By 2032, half the trucks would not have human drivers.”  This article really got me thinking about what the future holds and how we will be effected by AI.  My father is a truck driver, and the thought that he will be jobless in the future is a scary.  I know that technology can be very helpful, but now I have to begin to start thinking about my personal career and if it will be affected by this innovation. 

Personal Changes:

For me, I believe that technology will be helpful to me.  With my studies being in Business Entrepreneurship, I feel that I can use technology to my advantage.  Currently, I am a Junior in my undergrad, but the time to find a career is in full force.  I believe that I do not change my life plan in order to make way for AI, but instead keep my mind open for business opportunities within technology.  With this, I believe that my next step is to start learning the technology market and to also work in some time for coding.  I feel that the more knowledge I have on applications and websites will only increase my chances for success as an entrepreneur. 

Link to

Link to linkedin post


This semester has been an interesting one.  With many changes, I involved myself in many opportunities that have influenced my future. ...