Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Week #6- Clients and Sharing, Balt 318

This week I am looking to develop a client list for some freelance infographics work.  A few potential clients in mind include; Bat Bandits and the Benedictine Investment club.

Bat Bandits is a custom baseball sticker and bag tag company that I co-own.  Website coming soon.  I will be continuing my work for the business with future infographics.

The schools investment club has been exceeding the market averages and I would like to show that in an infographic.  I will be reaching out to the President of the Investment Club.

I have finished my intro to the bandits simply infographic that you can now check out online at the link below!


Week #5- Bandits Ad Update,Balt 318

In todays world, every second is worth value.  When creating infographics, you must rememberer that your viewers time is precious.

When charting data, for example, only choose to showcase the important graphs.  Overloading you graphic with charts may put out a lot of information, but in most cases this information will be misinterpreted in some way.  In fact, Storytelling with Data explains that only four visual images with information can be processed by the short-term memory at a time.  Having more graphs will actually give out less information by confusing the reader.

I worked this into my add by just taking out some of the unnecessary words that was basically just fluff.  By doing this, I feel that it will increase the amount of viewers that reach the bottom of the ad, which is the goal.

The bottom of the ad is the selling point.  Working to gather followers on my social media, while at the same time, driving traffic to my website.  This will increase my reaches from my previous ad!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Week #4- World Technology, Balt 318

As we know, technology is advancing at very fast speeds.  Currently, flying cars and drones are starting to make an appearance in the world.

This used to be ideas that were laughed alone.  Now, people are laughing as they fly over traffic.

The first time I saw drones, I thought that it was just some cool toy that I can not fly for the life of me.  But realizing the potential of these drones and how they can be used for things such as delivery, taking pictures, and videos.

One thing I found interesting was the opening ceremony of the Olympics.  With lots of technology shown, something that stood out to me was the way the rings were presented.

I read an article by Brain Barrett on these magical ring forming drones.  Turns out the rings were made with 1,218 drones joined together.  The drones lined up perfectly and it looked amazing.

This is one huge step.  I couldn't imagine how hard it was to program to make this happen.  The future of drones are unseen.  This is what the drones looked like up close.


Week #4- Bandits Intro, Balt 318

Creating in infographic with powerpoint using visuals that stand out is important in order to increase clicks.

To start, I went to hubspot.com/templates to download some free power point templets that are perfect starts for any infographic.

After downloading, open the file and take a look at the options.  Find one that stands out and one you believe will fit best for you to get your message across clearly.

I choose the image heavy temp just because I knew I was going to need lots of images.

I'm making an infographic about the new business that I recently started, Bat Bandits.  I am going to use this infographic for some advertisement on my social media platforms.

I started my introducing the already established Bandits.  These are for the sports hockey and lacrosse.  Check out their websites with links listed below!

Then, I went into one of their biggest products, the team bag tags.  This has become a common trend for most sports teams.  I wanted to give a full section to this because I want my future customers to see what we have to offer.

Finally, I go into detail on my business.  This was apart of my story because I want people to know we are credible, see are awesome products, then interact with my site.

Hopefully this will increase this my following to get me ahead of the game.  The website should be up this week with orders ready to be filled.

More on my business journey to come!


Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Week #3- Surfing the Tsunami, Balt 318

The first thought that comes into peoples head when they hear AI, is the physical robots. 

Now, while some still believe that these robots are going to one day take over the world and that the movie "The Terminator" is what our future will look like.  I'm not saying that one day we will not have the technology from the film, but feel that instead the fear from a movie could hold us back from the future possibilities of technology.  

Not saying that a movie should ever hold us back from doing something, but I feel that futuristic movies have put negative thoughts about technology into peoples minds.

To begin, artificial intelligence is not just simply robots that do things.  There are many versions of hardware and software that contributes to the successes that we have already achieved.  I believe that we are still in the early stages of these new advances and that we need to be open to the opportunities.

Some of the improvements include;

The Boston Dynamics- The robot squad

FEDOR- The gun shooting robot

and Sophia- the citizen robot

Thats right, Sophia the robot is actually a citizen of Saudi Arabia as of October 2017.

As I said before, I feel that this is still the beginning of AI, and I can't wait to see all of the changes in hardware and software.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Week #3- Big Idea, Balt 318

Well... What's the big idea?

In storytelling, the big idea is exactly what it says it is.  Being able to tell a story in one sentence, and allowing the listener to be able to understand and comprehend.  This allows the audience to get the point of the idea with little time invested.

This may seem impossible, especially when your story deck has over twenty slides.  I find the big idea to be similar to a company's mission statement.  Breaking down the company in order to explain the company in one sentence.

Last semester in my entrepreneurship class, our group created a business plan in order to solve the problem of germs in public places.  This was a very broad problem that could have had lots of solutions.

When getting into the specifics, our group found the problem of having too much information.  When we had to create a one sentence summery of our company, we couldn't simplify everything we knew.

Taking a step back and working on the big idea is very important in staying on track of your goals.  From Storytelling with Data, there are three components to the Big Idea; having a unique point of view, explain the interest, and a full sentence.

Creating the big idea of your business or idea, remember to know who the audience is, what message you are trying to get across, and how you are going to be able to do this.  The big idea should be the base line of the business story.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Week #2- Surfing the Tsunami, Balt 318

What is your stand on artificial intelligence?

Today I began to read Todd Kelsey's newly release book, Surfing the Tsunami.  The book is Dr. Kelsey's view on the future of artificial intelligence, and a preparation plan for whats in store for our futures and the job market. 

The introduction of the book sets the tone, with giving you three options to Adapt.  Basically, the more that you adapt, the better off you will be prepared for the future.

I have taken the beginning of this book very seriously because I have already began to notice the rapid changes in this area.  The best thing about being a college student is being able to take time to learn things that you see potential in.  

I am very excited to learn more about what Artificial Intelligence has to offer and will be sharing my experiences with you.




This semester has been an interesting one.  With many changes, I involved myself in many opportunities that have influenced my future. ...